
Jumat, 15 Juni 2018


Juni 15, 2018

Lately it's thrown with the emergence of a digital currency or Cryptocurrensy, one of the currencies now booming bitcoin. Bitcoin was originally created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2007. The development of Bitcoin from time to time has shown a significant development. at the time of bitcoin for transaction purposes in 2009, bitcoin has been registered to dozens of websites and continues to mushroom nowadays. this currency is also decentralized, whose water is not centered on a single administrator so that all transaction records in blockhain ledger (Ledger Blockchain) can be managed by all users around the world.

Some Advantages Of Bitcoin Are:

  • Transpran. All users of Bitcoin can see the transaction histoti already done, so the transfer can be done anytime

  • Transter is more effective. We can send Bitcoin anywhere in seconds, then the transfer fee is very cheap which is about Rp. 500 - 3,000 per transaction.

  • Security. Ledger Bitcoin is very open to the public so counterfeiting of transactions is not possible. All transactions Bitcoin transparent and spread to various users around the world.

Beginning Of Bitcoin Success
With increasing levels of trading difficulties and the underlying cryptocurrencies, on November 6, 2010, Bitcoin finally broke the USD 1 billion equivalent in MtGox, a market that includes all cryptocurrency transactions. The exchange rate versus the US dollar is strong, ie $ 0.5 per BTC (the nominal name for Bitcoin), allowing the purchase of Bitcoin in large quantities.

In addition, Bitcoin is being accepted everywhere. The famous Milestone from Bitcoin history is a real-world pizza deal for 10,000 BTC on May 22, 2010, which successfully catapulted Papa's Specialty, a brand name that provides, as the world's most expensive pizza provider. The next real-world products also started following, even socks were bought using Bitcoin

Bitcoin Failure
In the process of running for success there must be a failure to be experienced, as with digital currencies, Bitcoin also has its own failure experience.

Despite its rising value, Bitcoin also experienced a decline in value of up to $ 0.06 per BTC before its slow increase on October 7, 2010. On August 30, 2011, Bitcoin experienced a decline in the value of the currency, which fortunately could be adjusted on the transaction block 143,136 .

Do not stop there, Bitcoin also had "rage" with Paypal on June 4, 2011, where Bitcoin transactions were stopped because of fraud indicated. In addition,, a site that stores Bitcoin visitors and customers data, has also experienced hacking issues on October 2, 2013.

Bitcoin still can not be fully accepted in some parts of the country, including China which for several years ago strongly opposed the circulation of Bitcoin. Another country similar to China, Russia, also has a "counter-Bitcoin" policy, which does not allow transactions other than currencies issued by the Russian government.

Bitcoin Bloat Price Rises Back
the digital currency technology embedded in Bitcoin gives us a new perspective on the true "paperless transaction" viewpoint.

Bitcoin's price increase is supported by the world community that is increasingly inclined to choose Bitcoin for its transaction tools rather than paper money or coins, including Indonesia. With the opening of Bitcoin's new "lands" of mining, Bitcoin has the potential to shift the world's financial markets, including global financial reserves.

If this happens, then the price of Bitcoin versus the current currency in the world will rise in line with the weakening conditions of the conventional currency market. In other words, Bitcoin's "paperless transaction" era is not just about payments, but also its increasingly higher currency value thanks to the huge consumer demand and the superior state of Bitcoin in the financial markets.

The many enthusiasts who demand an increasingly urgent demand, on the one hand the limited amount makes Bitcoin continuously produce and increase the selling price. So, do not be surprised if Bitcoin currency becomes expensive.

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